Becan Archeological Zone


Highway 186, Km 145
Xpujil, Mexico
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+52 (555) 150-2069


The intriguing Mayan archeological site of Becán has an unusual feature: a deep, protective moat, which surrounds the city center. If you are visiting Becán, which means Ravine Formed by Water, take in the nearby sites of Xpujil and Chicanná, too. The purpose behind Becán's moat remains unclear. Some archeologists believe that it served an obvious purpose: protection from enemies. Other scholars say that the moat kept the common people out of the royal precinct except on ceremonial days. Whatever its purpose, the moat now encloses monumental structures from Becán's most illustrious period, when it ruled as a regional capital between 600 and 900 AD. If you visited Chichén Itzá and were disappointed that you couldn't climb the pyramids, you won't have that restriction at Becán; here, you can scale at least ten different ancient buildings. Rising an impressive 32 meters, Structure IV is the highest building at the site.

Admission: MX$41/US$4.10
Payment: Cash
Parking: Free
Services: Sale of publications and reproductions, restrooms, parking, security guards, satellite phone, guided tours
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