171 Cuba Street
Cocktails, Music and Comedy Shows...
171 Cuba St
Te Aro
Popular music venue featuring well-known rock and alternative shows...
8 Kent Terrace
Corner Kent Terrace and Majoribanks Street
Endless Entertainment...
154 Vivian Street
High Spirits...
104 Cuba Mall
Level 1
Mighty Fun...
126 Cuba Street
More Than a Watering Hole...
118 Tory Street
Corner Tory and Vivian Streets
Cheerful Bar...
69 Courtenay Place
Shooting up a Storm!...
146 Featherston Street
Wellington Central
Spanish Flavour in the District...
9-11 Blair Street
Great Gourmet Pizza Bar...
19 Hartham Place North
Music and Vindaloo...
6 Edward Street
Te Aro
Dimly-lit, Retro Decor...
125 Featherston Street
Wine and Risotto...
99 Boulcott Street
Classy Bistro...
43 Dixon Street
Fine Cambodian cuisine in heart of the city...
192 Cuba Street
Corner of Cuba and Vivian Street.
Class in a Spectacular 1920s Banking Chamber...
37 Dixon Street
Low-key wine bar...
5 Parkvale Road
Fun suburban pub...
34 Johnsonville Road
Pleasant cafe for shoppers...
Queens Wharf
Lively Seafood Restaurant Near the Harbour...