Generała Edwarda Rydza-Śmigłego 58
Green Park...
Grzybowska 79
Warsaw Rising Museum
In Memory of Martyrs...
Plac Zamkowy 4
The Royal Castle...
3 DÅ uga
Church Outside Barbykan...
15a Kaliskiego Street
Bag-full of Concerts...
16/18 Senatorska
Former Town Hall...
Early 20th century gem...
English style park...
8 Wąski Dunaj
Beutiful Baroque tenement...
5 Krakowskie Przedmiescie
Baroque part of the Academy...
2 Boleść
16th century gatehouse...
322 Pulawska
Morskie Oko tram stop
Beautiful, centrally located park...
Ulica Tetmajera 38
Poland's Largest National Park...
Aleje Solidarnosci
Onion Domes...
49/51 Okopowa
A Beautiful, Nostalgic Place...
27 Rynek Starego Miasta
Stylish house with stylish restaurant...
Ulica Marszałkowska 37
Eponymous Cathedral...
Uilica Zakroczymska, North of the New Town
In memory of a patriot...
5 Plac Krasińskich
Fabulous Baroque Palace...