Fa Ngum Road
Authentic Indian Dining...
approx 6 blocks
379 Thanon Samsenthai
Asian Pavilion Hotel
Mixed Cuisine and Cocktails...
approx 7 blocks
100 Samsenthai Road
South East Asian Specialities...
approx 7 blocks
17/1 Sihom Road
Ban Haysok
Elegant French Dining...
approx 7 blocks
Pangkham Street
Mediterranean Atmosphere and Style...
approx 7 blocks
74/1 Phangkam Road
Xieng Nyeun
Not Just A Bakery...
approx 7 blocks
21 Pankham Road
Typically French...
approx 7 blocks
Lane Xang Avenue
Royal Dokmaideng Hotel
Private Dining...
approx 7 blocks
6 Pang Kham Street
Settha Palace Hotel
Exclusive Continental Dining...
approx 7 blocks
82/9 Samsenthai Road
Opposite the Lao Plaza Hotel
First Class Seafood and Chinese...
approx 8 blocks
63 Samsenthai Road, Mezzanine floor,
Lao Plaza Hotel
Sumptuous Cuisine and Service...
approx 8 blocks
51/2 Phangkham Road
Opposite the Lao Aviation building
Vegetarian Treats and Herbal Teas...
approx 8 blocks
54 Setthathirat Road
Nam Phou Square
Lively Expat and Tourist Hangout...
approx 8 blocks
Setthathirat Street
Opposite Khop Chai Deu
Much More Than Bread...
approx 10 blocks
Thanon Samsenthai Road
Next To Cultural Hall
Snazzy Local Bar...
approx 10 blocks
Norkeokoummane Road
Where Stories Accompany Food...
approx 11 blocks
Francois Nginn Street
Corner of Fa Ngum Road
Modern and Funky...
approx 12 blocks
40 Heng Boun Street
Opposite Anou Hotel
Perfect for Groups...
approx 13 blocks
24-25 Fa Ngum Road
Old English Pub Style...