Turin's porticoes


Via Roma
10121 Turin, Italy


+39 011 535 181

NileGuide Expert tip:

The ideal way to experience Turin's heart.


Turin is a city made for walking, planned by the Romans on a grid pattern, the centre of the city is easy to negotiate and you hardly need to use a map to find your way around. There are some 18 km of porticoes, built by the Royal House of Savoy in the 18th century for its family and courtiers, to walk in the shade in summer and protected from the rain and snow in winter. Start in Piazza Castello and stroll down Via Roma, from Piazza Vittorio Veneto walk up Via Po, from Piazza Solferino walk down to Piazza Castello, visit a museum, do some shopping have a coffee, all under the famous porticoes.


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