Cabiria Café


Via Montebello, 20
10124 Turin, Italy


+39 (0) 11 81 72 401

NileGuide Expert tip:

Go at night, this place is cool.


The contemporary Cabiria Café is sited inside the National Cinema Museum on the ground floor of the 167.5 metre Mole Antonelliana, Turin's most iconic building. Designed by Alessandro Antonelli, this was once the highest brick building in the world and still remains the tallest building in Turin. Continuous, 35mm montages, including Cabiria, the 1914 Italian silent epic about ancient Rome, are shown on the ground floor adjacent to the café, where lined rows of chaises longues are inclined towards two giant screens. The Cabiria Café, named after the film, offers a new twist on Turin's portfolio of great cafés, part movie set, part lounge bar with intimate seating areas, luminous tables and gauze canopies. The lunch menu is inspired by film themes, in the evening at aperitif time, sample classic cocktails or a glass of Piedmont wine whilst admiring the extensive buffet. At night the Cabiria Café morphs into a very cool bar.


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