Truro Transportation

Cities near Truro for a road trip

  • Dartmouth, Halifax and Region
  • Fall River, Halifax and Region
  • Enfield, Fundy Shore and Annapolis Valley
  • Goffs, Halifax and Region
  • Minas Basin And Cobequid Bay, Fundy Shore and Annapolis Valley
  • New Glasgow, Northumberland Shore
  • Trenton, Northumberland Shore
  • Pictou, Northumberland Shore
  • Stellarton, Northumberland Shore
  • Western Shore, South Shore
  • Check the road conditions around Truro, search for more cities near Truro, explore different road trips from Truro, or look for cities 1 hour from Truro or 100 miles from Truro.

  • cost to drive from Halifax, Canada to Truro
  • cost to drive from Moncton, Canada to Truro
  • cost to drive from Quebec City, Canada to Truro
  • cost to drive from Ottawa, Canada to Truro
  • cost to drive from Boston, MA to Truro
  • cost to drive from Montreal, Canada to Truro
  • cost to drive from Charlottetown, Canada to Truro
  • cost to drive from Fredericton, Canada to Truro
  • cost to drive from Saint John, Canada to Truro
  • cost to drive from Digby, Canada to Truro
  • [ source data from Travelmath and DistanceCalc ]

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