There's only so many museums and monuments one can take. When you start itching for fresh air and open spaces, it's time to delve into the outdoor activities of Toronto. You don't need to be a fitness guru to enjoy the natural wonders of T.O. either; these activities come just as active or relaxed as you'd like. So get out of the city, and get back to nature.
Lakeshore & Parkside Drive
Canoe Keep Up...
1873 Bloor St West
(at Keele Street)
Urban sylvan oasis...
Queen Street East
Between Coxwell and Woodbine Avenue
Eclectic on every count and a neighbourhood to suit all...
115 King St East
(at Church Street)
Refreshing change of scene...
235 Queens Quay W
(At York)
Festival culture at its best in summer; arts events in every (other) season...
Lakeshore Boulevard E
(at Coxwell Road)
2.68 km of walking trails and picnics on the beach...
790 Queen Street W
(at Strachan)
Working with a Net...
375 Mount Pleasant Rd
(At Merton)
Provides scenic escape...
67 Kensington Avenue
(at Dundas Street West)
The Disneyland of market culture — particularly on weekends...