As with most of the Baltic areas, most of their original buildings and works are still standing as the wars that have ravaged Europe have seldom destroyed their cities, so if you're going on a city tour, as you must while you're in Tallinn, many of the attractions are the real, original deal. The historic town center that was once the center of Estonian life where trials and executions used to take place, is now a burgeoning shopping and cafe district where you can enjoy a Baltic coffee or porter and take in the scene in front of you. In summer there's more people and more action, but a Baltic winter is also an experience to behold for those looking to do something a little different with their vacation time.
Ülemiste, 11411 Tallinn, 11411, Eesti
Lillevälja 2, 13522 Tallinn, Eesti
Rocca al Mare, Tallinn, Estonia
Juubelitammede tee 4, Saku Brewery, 75501 Harjumaa, Estonia
Katariina käik, Tallinn, Estonia
Viru väljak, Tallinn, Estonia