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Thank Goodness it's Friday's...
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Popular venue for events...
approx 1 block
Operahuset, Karl XII:s torg
P. O. Box 1616
Mingle With The Rich And Famous...
approx 1 block
Jakobsgatan 6
Eat and Feast...
approx 2 blocks
Cycle race...
approx 2 blocks
Gustav Adolfs torg
Gustavian opera...
approx 2 blocks
Arenavägen 45
Bagels and coffee...
approx 2 blocks
Regeringsgatan 74
Legendary entertainment palace...
approx 2 blocks
Berzelli Park
It's show business...
approx 2 blocks
Berzelii Park
Berns Salonger
A Visit to France...
approx 2 blocks
Berzelii Park
Berns Salonger
Luxurious Dining Experience...
approx 3 blocks
Stallgatan 7
Scintillating Performances...
approx 3 blocks
Norrmalmstorg 4
La cucina italiana in Svezia...
approx 3 blocks
Blasiehomshamnen 8
Grand Hôtel Stockholm
Stockholm's Finest...
approx 3 blocks
Södra Blasieholmshamnen 8
Grand Hotel
Cocktail specials...
approx 4 blocks
Nybrokajen 11
Incredible Concert Hall...
approx 4 blocks
Fabriksväg 21A
Ad-lib entertainment over dinner...
approx 4 blocks
Teatergatan 3
Absolute entertainment...
approx 4 blocks
Biblioteksgatan 6
It's all about good taste...
approx 4 blocks
Smålandsgatan 8
Popular Pub...