approx 12 blocks
Route 30 (Brewers Bay Road)
Brewers Bay
For Tourists & Locals...
approx 2 miles
Route 30 (Veterans Drive)
Drake's Passage
Chic and sophisticated clothes...
approx 2 miles
Perfect secluded beach...
approx 2 miles
Route 30 (Veterans Drive)
Across from Fort Christian
Local politics in action...
approx 2 miles
1 Main Street
Fine jewelry...
approx 2 miles
3A Main Street
More Than Diamonds...
approx 3 miles
Royal Dane Mall
Caribbean crafts...
approx 3 miles
Historic island in Charlotte Amalie harbor...
approx 3 miles
6 Main Street
Exquisite linens...
approx 3 miles
30 Trompeter Gade
Casual clothing boutique...
approx 3 miles
Tolbod Gade
Across from Emancipation Garden
Complete island details...
approx 3 miles
Downtown Charlotte Amalie
Vendors Plaza is located across from the Emancipation Park and Fort Christian.
Outdoor souvenir shopping center...
approx 3 miles
Garden Street (Domini Gade)
Historic church...
approx 3 miles
Between Charlotte Amalie Harbor and the hills
Historic town offers lots of shopping, restaurants and bars...
approx 3 miles
Tolbod Gade just off Main Street
City park...
approx 3 miles
7 Norre Gade
Magnificent architecture...
approx 3 miles
Between Veterans Dr & Emancipation Garden
Bastion of history...
approx 3 miles
21-22 Kongens Gade
Government Hill
Historic government building...
approx 3 miles
Off Route 35 and 99 Steps
Blackbeard's Hill
History in a home...
approx 3 miles
5195 Dronningens Gade Suite 2
Black coral mastery...