3FA Cruz Bay
Waterfront Mexican Grill & Margarita Bar...
Great Cruz Bay
The Westin St. John Resort & Villa
Great Location, Delicious Food...
P.O Box 566
In Raintree Court Shopping Plaza
Family favorite...
6300 Estate Smith Bay
Piccola Marina, Red Hook
Seaside Seafood...
16118 Little Plantation
Coral Bay
Great Cruz Bay
Picnic Food...
P.O. Box 566 Cruz Bay
At the end of Strand Street behind Wharfside Village
Contemporary cuisine with a flair...
300-1 Enighed Island
Cruz Bay
Tasty local cuisine...
Great Cruz Bay
Dine on the Beach...
Northshore Road & Centerline Road
Roadside Fare...
Centerline Road
Bordeaux Mountain
Haute Cuisine, Views of the Sea...
North Shore Road,
Across from the Post Office, Cruz Bay
Smokin' barbecue!...
Traditional and house inspired Italian...
Caneel Bay Resort
In the Caneel Bay hotel, Caneel Bay
Around the World...
Lemon Tree Mall, Konges Gade
Cruz Bay
Airy Spot with Good Food...