Bars And Clubs Near Downtown in Sherman Oaks

Pineapple Hill

user rating

approx 2 blocks
4454 Van Nuys Boulevard

A cozy bar in the Valley...
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Coldstone Creamery

user rating

approx 2 blocks
645 West 9th Street
Los Angeles, CA

Cold and Creamy...
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Amazon Bar and Grill

user rating

approx 3 blocks
14649 Ventura Boulevard
Sherman Oaks
Los Angeles, CA

It's a jungle in here...
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approx 4 blocks
4578 Van Nuys Boulevard

Cool, Asian-inspired lounge...
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user rating

approx 5 blocks
14755 Ventura Boulevard
Suite D

Italian and French cuisine, Valley-style...
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Mel's Drive In

approx 7 blocks
14846 Ventura Boulevard

Real live "Happy Days"...
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Panzanella Ristorante

approx 8 blocks
14928 Ventura Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA

Antipasti, Anyone?...
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Rive Gauche

approx 8 blocks
14106 Ventura Boulevard

Cozy cuisine in the Valley...
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Cozy's Bar & Grill

user rating

approx 10 blocks
14058 Ventura Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA

Blues and pool cues...
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Pergola (La)

approx 10 blocks
15005 Ventura Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA

Fresh Food...
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Kung Pao Bistro

approx 10 blocks
15025 Ventura Boulevard

Dining in Le Merigot...
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Cafe Bizou Sherman Oaks

approx 11 blocks
14016 Ventura Boulevard

Italian paradiso...
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Taste of India

approx 13 blocks
13903 Ventura Boulevard

Where's the party tonight?...
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approx 15 blocks
13817 Ventura Boulevard

Great Food, Great Vibes...
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Cheesecake Factory

approx 16 blocks
15301 Ventura Boulevard

More Than Cheesecake...
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Senor Fred

user rating

approx 1 mile
13730 Ventura Boulevard
Sherman Oaks, Just West of Woodman Avenue
Los Angeles, CA

Upscale nightclub...
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Chimneysweep Lounge

user rating

approx 1 mile
4354 Woodman Avenue

A great neighborhood establishment...
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Coffee Roaster (The)

user rating

approx 1 mile
13567 Ventura Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA

Delicious Roasts...
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August Chris Cafe

approx 1 mile
13456 Ventura Boulevard
Sherman Oaks
Los Angeles, CA

A sprinkle of contemporary seasoning...
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L.A. Connection Comedy Theatre

user rating

approx 1 mile
13442 Ventura Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA

Developing New Talent...
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