The Drum Circle on Siesta Beach
948 Beach Road
34242 Sarasota, U.S.A.
An hour or two before sundown every Sunday afternoon people begin to assemble on Siesta Beach, south of the main pavilion, between lifeguard stations 3 and 4. As people arrive they form what is called the Drum Circle. Even if you are from Keokuk, Iowa, Chillicothe, Ohio, or Manahawkin, New Jersey or from from points north, south, east or west you will be able to participate. Bring your African djembe, a cowbell, a pair of cymbals, your snare drum, bamboo flute, or wooden clacker. If you don't have those just bring a beach towel or folding chair to sit on and listen and observe. If you are inclined, you can dance to the steady rhythms created by amateur musicians. There will be belly and Latin dancers, people who have been to Caribbean islands, those who enjoy Rock'n Roll, or individuals who want to try to emulate African dances they have seen on TV. It will be a memorable experience. The drumming and dancing lasts long into the evening.