Sea Spray Resort
574 Canal Road
34242 Sarasota, US
While highly praised by elite visitors, when one drives by the Sea Spray Resort isn't exactly what one would call impressive. It would be fair to say it is a small and rather nondescript, older series of buildings, rather crowded together, some with high walls and small private swimming pools. But it does win the praise of those you would expect to prefer to spend a vacation week in a high rise hotel or in a sleek condo overlooking waves washing across the white Gulf of Mexico beach. With a price very close to $200 a night and booked up for weeks ahead, the Sea Spray Resort must be doing something right. One can walk a few blocks to Siesta Village for a meal or a drink, and the resort is truly a storied "hop, skip and a jump" to the impressive Siesta Beach. If you want to stay there during the high season (winter and early spring) you need to make your reservations well in advance.