Bar do Juarez
Avenida Jurema, 324
04079-001 Sao Paulo, Brasil
(0xx)11 3578-5228,(0xx)11 5052-4449
NileGuide Expert tip:
Cover your beer glass with a coaster to prevent the waiters from bringing more!
In its 10 years, Bar do Juarez has become a favorite of foodies and beer aficionados alike. The original in location in Moema (others in Itaim Bibi, Brooklin and Pinheiros) was elected as home of São Paulo's best draft beer (
chopp) by readers of
Época SP magazine. Bow tie-wearing waiters (
garçoms), which give Bar do Juarez its trademark image, mark off
chopp intakes on a beer scorecard. The
pièce de résistance is seasoned steak served on a mini-grill (
A Famosa Picanha Fatiada no Rechaud), allowing parties to cook their meat as they wish.