Bar do Juarez - Itaim Bibi
Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek, 1164
04538-000 Sao Paulo, Brasil
(0xx)11 3078-3458
NileGuide Expert tip:
Put a coaster on your beer if you want the waiter to stop bringing more!
In its 10 years, Bar do Juarez has become a favorite of foodies and beer aficionados alike. The second manifestation, in Itaim Bibi, has surpassed the original in Moema as the most frequented of the four São Paulo locations. Diners and drinkers regularly fill the seats on both floors. At dinnertime, getting a table on the patio or the upstairs balcony may require a small miracle. Bow tie-wearing waiters (
garçoms), which give Bar do Juarez its trademark image, mark off chopp intakes on a beer scorecard. The
pièce de résistance is seasoned steak served on a mini-grill (
A Famosa Picanha Fatiada no Rechaud), allowing parties to cook their meat as they wish.