Café de la Barra


José Miguel de La Barra, 455
Santiago, Chile


(0)2 597 0329


What Café de la Barra has going for it is its tasty and plentiful lunch specials, good coffee with abundant frothed milk (if you like), good soups, Argentine-style croissants filled with Nutella or manjar (cream caramel), and a great location with a slightly tchotcke-filled interior without being over the top. It has a pretty tiled floor, a classic feel and cute touches like the tart pans in which they deliver the (very reasonable) bill.

It's a great place to take a minute to relax in Bellas Artes and gander an eyeful of the occasional farandulero (society-pager) that pops in, and making use of their never-fail WiFi.


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