Calle Aguilera 617
Between Bamada and Plácido
Heredia 304
Btw. San Felíx and San Pedro
Back to the roots of popular Cuban music...
Autopista Nacional, Km 1 1/2
One of the best nightlife choices in Santiago...
Avenida Las Américas, esquina a Avenida de los Desfiles
Teatro Heredia
Where do all the singers come from?...
Calle Heredia 201
Between General Lacret and San Félix
Calle Pérez Carbó 5
Across from the Plaza de Marte
Calle 13 no. 154
At the corner of Calle 8, Vista Alegre
Heredia 304
Between Pío Rosado and Porfirio Valiente
Heredia No. 201, entre San Pedro y San Félix
Parque Céspedes, Hotel Gran Caribe Casagranda
In one of the region's main hotels...
Mayía Rodríguez esquina Aguilera
Plaza Dolores
Located on the first floor of an old colonial town house...
General Lacret esquina Heredia
New and traditional trova music in a central and friendly venue...
Avenida de las Américas esquina Circunvalación
The most important plays and concerts...
Carretera del Morro Km. 7 ½
Night-time facing the Caribbean...