Restaurants Near The Roundhouse (State Capitol) in Santa Fe

Rio Chama Steakhouse

user rating

approx 2 blocks
414 Old Santa Fe Trail

Classy Steakhouse...
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Guadalupe Cafe

user rating

approx 2 blocks
422 Old Santa Fe Trail
East De Vargas Street

Possibly Santa Fe's Best Breakfast...
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The Pink Adobe

user rating

approx 2 blocks
406 Old Santa Fe Tr

Pink Dining...
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Mission Cafe & Sweet Shop

approx 2 blocks
239 East De Vargas Street
Old Santa Fe Trail

19th-Century Building, 21st-Century Coffee...
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approx 3 blocks
315 Old Santa Fe Trail

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Zodiac Café (Le)

approx 3 blocks
311 Old Santa Fe Trail

Freshly Baked Goodies...
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Upper Crust Pizza

user rating

approx 3 blocks
329 Old Santa Fe Trail

Homemade Pizza...
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Bistro 315

user rating

approx 3 blocks
315 Old Santa Fe Trail

Provincial French dining...
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Amavi Restaurant

user rating

approx 4 blocks
221 Shelby Street
East Alameda Street

Means "Love of Life"...
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Julian's Restaurant

approx 4 blocks
221 Shelby St

A great place for a romantic dinner...
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Del Charro Saloon

user rating

approx 4 blocks
101 West Alameda Street
Inn of the Governors

Santa Fe Watering Hole...
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India Palace

user rating

approx 4 blocks
227 Don Gaspar Avenue
Inside the Water St. parking compound

Nationally ranked restaurant...
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approx 4 blocks
211 Old Santa Fe Trail
Inn and Spa at Loretto

Fine dining near the Plaza...
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Pueblo Bonito Bed & Breakfast

user rating

approx 4 blocks
138 W Manhattan Ave

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Cafe Des Artistes

approx 4 blocks
223 Canyon Road

A wonderful lunch spot along Canyon Road...
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Downtown Subscription

user rating

expert pick

approx 4 blocks
376 Garcia Street

Coffee House & Newsstand...
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Restaurant Martin

approx 5 blocks
526 Galisteo

Organic meals...
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Club (The)

approx 5 blocks
210 Don Gaspar Avenue
Hotel St Francis

Chic Dining...
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Catamount Bar & Grille

approx 5 blocks
125 East Water Street

Plaza Bar & Club...
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expert pick

approx 5 blocks
204 Montezuma Avenue

Best Salad Bar In Town...
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