572 O'Farrell Street
Meatless delicacies...
2845 Geary Boulevard
(between Collins St & Wood St)
Cheap, fresh Eritrean...
1007 Valencia Street
Delicious Dosa and Utthapam...
1075 Sutter Street
Carlton Hotel
Arabic fusion cuisine...
2225 Irving Street
Voted the best Thai...
775 Frederick Street
Between Arguello Boulevard & Lincoln Way
Creative comfortable Indian vegetarian...
320 3rd St
No-frills chaat that's perfect for a snack...
925 Cortland Ave
(cross street: Folsom)
Nepalese at a cozy Bernal Heights spot...
854 Washington Street
between Stockton and Grant streets
Meatless delicacies...
2193 Mission Street
(between 18th St & Sycamore St)
Quirky seafood...
819 Valencia St.
(19th St.)
Popular and authentic Thai...
1332 Castro Street
(between 24th and 25th streets)
Fresh seafood and vegetables...
6127 Geary Boulevard
(between 25th and 26th avenues)
Northern Indian...
3049 20th Street
(between Florida and Alabama streets)
Good eats in the back streets...
524 Irving Street
Oldest Thai in the Sunset...
3401 California St
Grab 'n' go...
2400 Harrison Street
Food prepared with love...
580 Geary St
In the Savoy Hotel (at Jones St)
Trend-Setting Vegetarian...
Bld. A, Fort Mason
Building A, Fort Mason Center (enter Fort Mason opposite the Safeway at Buchanan and Marina sts.)
Go Green...