Better Buzz Coffee
1909 Garnet Avenue
San Diego, CA 92109
(858) 270-2899
As one of Pacific Beach's main staples, this coffee joint isn't about getting your coffee and relaxing - it's about getting your buzz on and going! One of the view venues in Pacific Beach that has a drive thru, Better Buzz's small shop on Garnet Avenue provides patrons with a quick way to get their caffeine in the morning as they head out to work (as it is on the way to the one and only freeway entrance in the area). Better Buzz's staff is always buzzing with excitement, while their extensive and every changing list of recipes is just as adventurous. With several locations in the San Diego region you can always get your buzz on, where it isn't just the coffee that is the speciality but the locality of it all. A simple cup of joe pleases most people's fancies, which specialties like chocolate chip mochas, signature blends and bee-inspred prints keep the mood light. What's even more pleasing is that all the grounds are organic, as are their plastic cups.