Court Pharmacy of the Prince Archbishop (Alte fürst-erzbischöfliche Hofapotheke)


Alter Markt 6
5020 Salzburg, Austria


0662 8436230


The broad platz known as Alter Markt, literally 'Old Market', is so filled with souvenir stands and, in good weather, sidewalk café tables, that it's possible for visitors to Salzburg pass through it on their way from Getreidegasse to Residenzplatz and Mozartplatz without seeing its beauty. But, as the medieval centre of old Salzburg, now overlaid by Baroque buidlings, Alter Markt offers its own treasures. At No 6, you'll find Alte Furst-erzbischofliche Hofapotheke, the old archiepiscopal apothecary. It's been there since the 16th century. Behind its pretty façade is a working apothecary with antique jars and Baroque cabinets still on display. As a courtesy to its patrons, tourists are asked to remain outside. But should you need soaps, lotions or other pharmacy goods, why not buy them there so you may see its fine interior.


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