Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 282
22410-000 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(0xx)21 3433-8569
It's hard to move without encountering a frozen yogurt outlet in Rio de Janeiro today, but the concept was virtually unknown in the city until the arrival of the Yogoberry chain in 2007.
By 2010, the frozen yogurt craze had well and truly taken hold of the city, and Yogoberry opened 25 new franchises in Rio that year alone.
As well as quantity, Yogoberry is strong on quality- the chain was voted best Frozen Yogurt in Rio by the jury at local food and drink bible Veja Rio Comer e Beber.
With franchises dotted across the city, you won't have to hunt too hard to find a Yogoberry near you, but the Ipanema branch remains the most popular, and is perfect as a post-beach snack stop.