Restaurante Amarelinho da Gloria
Ladeira da Gloria, 8
22211-120 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(0xx)21 2558-3502,(0xx)21 2558-6468
NileGuide Expert tip:
Amarelinha da Gloria is easy to reach by Metro, just get off at Gloria station and look for the large restaaurant with the big yellow canopy
There are plenty of places in Rio to enjoy 'comida a kilo' (diners load up their plates from a buffet and pay according to the weight of the food), and this is one of the best places for budget travelers to tuck in. The food is charged at less than R$2 per 100 grams (slightly more at weekends) and diners can take their pick from a vast range of salads, fresh fruit, cheeses and other cold treats along with hot dishes and freshly grilled meats from the carvery. There's a tempting ice cream buffet as well, but the price of nearly R$4 per 100 grams means that cash conscious travelers will need to exercise restraint with the scoop.