Frontera - Jardim Botanico
Rua Maria Angelica, 183
22470-201 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(0xx)21 2266-9800
Pay by weight buffet restaurants are a Brazilian institution, and Frontera is a cut above most of the competition. Forget stodgy rice and beans and overcooked meat, here you can pile your plate with sushi, sashimi and salads, along with hot dishes that change daily and might include such delicacies as dock confit with honey glaze, or smoked chicken with peas, spinach, creamed corn and Gorgonzola.
Prices are, predictably, on the high side at around R$4.50 per 100 grams, but budget diners can treat themselves to all-you-can-eat pizza (waiters will bring slice after slice to your table) and crepes, daily from 6pm, at the bargain price of R$19.