In Rio de Janeiro, off-the-beaten-path restaurants are often well worth seeking out. While there are some excellent restaurants in Rio that are firmly established on the tourist trail, at these harder-to-find spots you'll really get something special.
Our number one pick, Aprazivel, sits high on a hillside in Santa Teresa, well off the main bar and restaurant strip. Expect the taxi driver to have to ask for directions several times, but the views, and the top-notch food, are well worth the effort.
In Botafogo, it would be all too easy to pass Miam Miam without even registering that it's a restaurant, but this dinky little spot is one of the best places to eat in the city, and it won't blow the budget sky high either. Do make reservations if you want to avoid disappointment.
Getting even further off the beaten track, the wildlife-rich neighborhood of Vargem Grande is increasingly renowned for its classy culinary options, and Skunna is one of the best of the bunch.
Rua Aprazível 62
Santa Teresa
Rua General Goes Monteiro 34
Style and substance...
Estrada dos Bandeirantes 23363
Vargem Grande
Superior Seafood at Skunna...
Rua Barros Alarção 476
Pedra de Guaratiba
Superior Seafood and Stunning Views...
Parque Quinta da Boa Vista
São Cristóvão
Lunchtime Luxury...
Rua Miguel Couto
Happy Hour at Sardine Alley...
Largo das Neves 13
Santa Teresa's Tasty Secret...
Rua Barao do Flamengo
loja 35D
Flavors of Peru...
Rua Professor Júlio Lohman 132
Alto do Joá
Deliciously Decadent Fondues...
Rua General Polidoro, 29
Traditional Indian fare...