Body-conscious Brazilians have responded enthusiastically to the arrival of sushi in the city, and Rio de Janeiro Asian restaurants offer plenty of opportunity to snack on sushi as well as Thai and Cantonese dishes.
There are countless sushi restaurants in Rio de Janeiro today, and among the most enduringly popular is the elegant Madame Butterfly, in Leblon, our number one pick. It's not the cheapest Japanese restaurant in Rio, but for quality food and a sophisiticated ambience, it's hard to beat.
Chinese restaurants in Rio de Janeiro are more difficult to track down, with Mr. Lam in Jardim Botanico being one of very few places in the city to enjoy high quality Cantonese food.
Thai cuisine is emerging onto the Rio de Janeiro restaurant scene, with Zaza Bistro Tropical and Nam Thai both good places to sample Rio's take on Thai cuisine.
Rua Barão da Torre, 472
Superior Japanese food in Ipanema...
Avenida Maria Angélica, 21
Peking cusine gets seriously stylish...
Rua Visconde de Itaboraí 8
Celebrating Asian Food...
Rua Joana Angélica, 40
Tasty Thai bistro near the beach...
Avenida Atlantica 2600
Marriott Hotel, 1st Floor
Sushi, Seafood & Sake by the Beach...
Rua Dias Ferreira 256
The Sushi Standard...
Rua Rainha Guilhermina 95, lojas A & B
Excellent Contemporary Thai in Leblon...
Praia de Botafogo 316, loja A
Dining at the Deep End...
Rua Farani 20
Truly Traditional Japanese...
Praia da Botafogo 340
Super Sushi, Fantastic Falafel...