close by
Rīgas Doms, 1 Doma laukums, Rīga 1050, Latvia
close by
Doma laukums 1
Largest Cathedral in the Baltics...
approx 1 block
Doma Laukums
Dome Square...
approx 1 block
Emiļa Melngaiļa iela 1
Sports Arena...
approx 1 block
Mazā Pils iela 17
Architectural Ensemble of Medieval Dwellings...
approx 2 blocks
Anglikāņu iela 2a
Anglican Church...
approx 2 blocks
Klostera iela 2
Famous for Its Unique Gothic Tower...
approx 2 blocks
Amatu iela 5
One of the Most Beautiful Attractions...
approx 2 blocks
Amatu iela 6
One of Riga's Most Interesting Buildings...
approx 2 blocks
11 Novembra Krastmala
Important Area...
approx 2 blocks
8 Maza Jaunavu Iela, Ríga 1050, Latvia
approx 2 blocks
Kaļķu iela
Center of Riga...
approx 3 blocks
1 Kaļķu iela, Rīga 1050, Latvia
approx 3 blocks
Laipu iela 5
Creative Space...
approx 3 blocks
Laipu iela 2/4
Traditional Latvian Souvenirs...
approx 3 blocks
Meistaru iela 19
A Story About Cats...
approx 3 blocks
Sporta iela 2
Latvian Chocolate & Candy...
approx 3 blocks
Strēlnieku laukums 1
The History of a Selective Period...
approx 3 blocks
Riga, Latvia
approx 3 blocks
Riga, Latvia