57, rue Sainte-Anne
Whale Watching...
1 Côte de la Citadelle
Unique in North America...
16 Petit-Champlain
Unique in Canada...
149 Route du Massif du Sud
Gold rush on horseback...
Cartier Street
A pedestrian friendly street lined with restaurants, cafés and boutiques...
490, côte du Pont
Beautiful island best known for its agri-tourism...
25 1/2, rue du Petite-Champlain
20, rue Cul-de-sac
Native Art...
Various venues
The biggest winter carnival in the world, with approximately 1 million visitors and it's many sites and activities, there's interest for people from all walks of life who want a taste of winter...
575, rue Stanislas-Kosca
Authentic recreation of a Quebec Indian village...
634, rue Saint-Jean
More on Chocolate...
Parc des Champs-de-Bataille
Parc des Champs-de-Bataille, near where avenue Wolfe-Montcalm meets Grande Allée
570, chemin du Cap-Tourmente
Millions of Snow Geese...
2490 Royale Avenue
(Near Larue)
National Park featuring an impressive Waterfall that can be walked over on a Bridge. Located at 20 minutes from downtown Quebec City, a great daytrip spent sightseeing, hiking and enjoying a high end meal at the Restaurant on site...
Rue Dalhousie
Flight Upwards...
175 de l'Espinay Street
Beautiful and Historic...
Old Québec is enlivened with people dressing up in New France costumes and entertainment at each street corner. Tribute is made to the natives with a village where they share their handy crafts and rites. Cheerful and fun an event not to be missed...
1059 av. Cartier
Near rue Fraser, Montcalm
50 rue du Marché-Champlain
Near rue Notre-Dame
Mansion Museum...
835 avenue Wilfrid-Laurier
Discovery Pavilion