804 rue Saint-Joachim
Well-known gay bar...
33 Rue d'auteuil Street
Arts, pub, nightclub...
240 rue Saint Joseph East
Impérial de Québec
Dinner in a Theater...
1200 Germain-des-Prés Avenue
ALT Hotel Quebec City
Marvellous Modern Décor...
441, Rue du Parvis
At bd. Charest est, St-Roch
Lounging Around...
575 Grande-Allée Street East
Parliament Hill
Nightclub With Themed Rooms...
939 rue Salaberry
Avant-garde theater troupe...
972 Saint-Jean Street
Le Capitole du Quebec
Rich Concert Hall...
269 Boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Quebec's Premier Company...
995 Place d'Youville
Near Porte Saint-Jean, Parliament Hill
Stately old theater...
401 Grande-Allée Est
Seasonal orchestra...
315, Saint-Joseph Est
Small local company...
447 rue Saint-François-Xavier
Murder, mystery, and French cuisine...
447 St Jean
Great neighborhood bar with a courtyard...
1087 Rue St-Jean
Near St-Stanislas, Upper Town
Wide Selection of Imported Beers...
47 Sainte-Geneviève
Near Ste-Ursule
Elegant Edwardian Dining Room...
252, rue Saint-Joseph Est
The Oldest and the Best...
228 St-Joseph Est
Near rue Caron, St-Roch
Eat and Art...
450 de la Gare-du-Palais
Near rue St-Paul, Lower Town
International Cuisine...
251 rue Dorchester
Artistic Endeavours...