Restaurants Near Zhanshan Temple in Qingdao

Qilu Restaurant

approx 8 blocks
61 Hong Kong Middle Lu
Second Floor, Ocean Hotel

Seafood Prepared Every Which Way...
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Napoli italian wine bar restaurant

approx 10 blocks
Xianggang West Rd, Shinan, Qingdao, Shandong, China

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Shang Palace

approx 11 blocks
9 Xiang Gang Zhong Lu
Shangri-La Hotel

Kitchen Wizardry...
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Shimbashi Restaurant

approx 11 blocks
48 Xianggang Xi lu
Haitian Hotel

Tokyo Tastings...
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Korean Restaurant

approx 11 blocks
48 Xianggang Xi Lu
Haitian Hotel

Classic Korean Fare...
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Eastern Palace

approx 11 blocks
48 Xianggang Xilu
Hai Tian Hotel

The Zenith of Chinese Cuisine...
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Blue Wave Gulf Restaurant

approx 12 blocks
29 West Hong Kong Road

Stuff From the Yellow Sea...
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approx 1 mile
10号 Xianggang Middle Rd

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Italiano DOC cafe' and Wine Bar

approx 1 mile
Qingdao, Shandong, China

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Rolling Restaurant of TV Tower

approx 1 mile
1 Taiping Shan Lu

High Up!...
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Coffee Spark

approx 1 mile
5号-7号 Xinpu Rd, Shinan, Qingdao, Shandong, China

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White Spray Seafood Restaurant

approx 1 mile
8 Nanhai Lu

Fish, Fish, Fish and More Fish...
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approx 1 mile
146 ZhongShan Lu

More Than 100 Years Old...
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Starbucks Coffee

approx 1 mile
36号 Xianggang Middle Rd, Shinan, Qingdao, Shandong, China

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Qingdao Seafood Restaurant

approx 2 miles
20, Qingyu Lu

Nobody Does it Better...
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Etsong Palace

approx 2 miles
76 Xiang Gang Zhong Lu
Crowne Plaza Hotel

The Cradle of Fine Dining...
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approx 2 miles
76 Xiang Gang Zhong Lu
Crowne Plaza Hotel

Mama Mia Goes East...
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Dou Lia Shun

approx 2 miles
232 Min Jiang Lu

All That is Missing are Performing Dolphins...
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Yuexiu Cantonese Restaurant

approx 2 miles
4 Daxue Lu
Dongfang Hotel

Seafood Central...
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Biwan Hotpot Restaurant

approx 2 miles
12 Linqing Lu

Similar to Eating Flame...
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