Biblioteca Los Mangos


Avenida Francisco Villa 1001, Esq. Circunvalación, del Róbalo
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

NileGuide Expert tip:

If you're going to be in the area for a while, why not volunteer or at least sign up for a membership card. They also hold pet adoptions in front on weekend mornings.


The Los Mangos library is a great place to visit when you want a little respite from the heat. You will find a good selection of English language books as well as reading groups and classes, such as yoga. There's a Saturday story hour for the kids and they are sure to make friends with the many children who visit the library on any given day. There are also art display, talks, readings and musical performances happening throughout the year. Be sure to pick up a copy of the calendar or check the event listings in the local paper.


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