344 South Cortez Street
The upper portions of this trail are all in the Ponderosa pine vegetation type. There are some attractive day hikes in this area using the three trailheads and the portions of these trails above the point where they all converge...
1 Perkins Drive
Scenic Public Course in Prescott...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail is entirely within a ponderosa pine forest. Travelers on this trail should plan enough time to visit the old Palace Station which is now a Forest Service administrative and information site...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail is another link in the system of trails serving the Granite Mountain Wilderness. It is another of the recreational trails in this area that were originally roads built mostly in the late 1800's...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail offers excellent opportunities for an easy day trip along the lower slopes of the mountain range with scenic views...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail's primary function is recreation. It is another in the network of trails providing hiking and riding recreation in and around the Granite Mountain Wilderness...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail is another link in the system of trails serving the Granite Mountain Wilderness. It connects TR #38, TR #41, and TR #261. It is but one of the recreational trails in this area that were originally roads...
344 South Cortez Street
The Horsethief Canyon Trail acquired its name from the Horsethief Ranch, where several noted outlaws made this ranch a headquarters for trafficking in stolen horses...
344 South Cortez Street
This lengthy trail passes through a large part of the area burned during the 1972 Battle Fire. Until the time of that fire, the area was one of the most scenic on the Forest...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail is primarily of interest to horseback riders. There are few outstanding on-site features to attract hikers. It does, however, offer equestrians some extensive areas for riding...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail provides a connecting link from TR #39 to TR #37 and is another access to the Granite Mountain Wilderness. It is another of the recreational trails in this area that were originally roads...
311 East Smoke Tree Lane
Cooler Drives...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail lies within the Castle Creek Wilderness of the Bradshaw Mountains. It provides panoramic views of Black Canyon, the Pine Mountain Wilderness, and the expanse of the Mogollon Rim to the east...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail lies within the Castle Creek Wilderness and offers panoramic views of the area. The name was acquired from the Algonquin mine established in the early 1900s near Hell's Hole...
120 South Cortez Street
Social & Entertainment Hub...
840 Rodeo Drive
Panoramic City View...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail, originally an access road to mines in the Battle Flat area, stays almost entirely in chaparral vegetation and is not one of the most popular hiking trails...
344 South Cortez Street
The upper parts of this trail are the most attractive. The trailhead at Wildflower Saddle goes down through some old mine dumps. It then drops into a beautiful riparian area passing through some nice aspen groves...
344 South Cortez Street
This is one of the most attractive trails in the entire trail system on the Prescott National Forest, particularly for horseback riders. This is in part due to the construction of a Horse Camp just south of Groom Creek...
344 South Cortez Street
This trail begins in Ponderosa pines, just east of Towers Mountain. It stays in timber as far as Hidden tunnel Spring...