U Glaubiců
Malostranské Naměsté 5
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Once upon a time, a central location, clean water, and cool Romanesque cellars inspired the opening of a classic pub, one that became a fast success. Seven hundred years later, it's still a popular Malá Strana watering hole (in spite of a decade-long closure owing to crumbling foundations). U Glaubiců serves up classic Czech dishes, albeit at a slightly inflated price. The beer, in contrast, is still impressively cheap considering the neighborhood. As a matter of fact, U Glaubiců prides itself on the low low price of a half-liter of Pilsner. This traditional tavern has a long history in this city among politicians, nobility, and the public alike, so it's a good place to visit for a refreshingly inexpensive beer when you're in the very expensive Malá Strana neighborhood.