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Old Town Square

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Staroměstské nám.
Prague, 110 00Czech Republic

10 mentions on Trippy

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Here's what Trippy members say about Old Town Square:

"Take in a brawt in somewhere in Old Town Square."  See More

"It is better to stay near Old Town Square, in the heart of the city."  See More

"Prague Castle, Charles Bridge and Old Town Square are your obvious first stops."  See More

"I would suggest staying in the Old Town Square district of Prague."  See More

"Main sights are Prague Castle, Malostranské náměstí, Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, Pražský orloj, Václavské náměstí | Wenceslas Square, Prašná brána | The Powder Tower, Jindřišská věž ."  See More

"We have many old buildings including Charles BridgePrague CastleOld Town SquareVyšehrad and many other sights."  See More

"I lived in Prague for 4+ years, so here's a run-down of my favorites (and the places I always return to when I visit: 1) On the Old Town Square the rooftop terrace of U Prince has an amazing view and outdoor heaters/blankets for the chillier days/evenings 2) Čestr near Muzeum and the State Opera Prague is my top pick for quality steak and meat 3) Café Savoy for brunch is a must!"  See More

"On a second day, explore the other side of the river and see, of course, the famous Astronomical Clock at the Old Town Square."  See More

"Only you can answer that based on your children, but if you're even considering it, I'm assuming you're children will do well. I took my four daughters to Prague for four days when they were 15, 9, 8, and 6 and we had a wonderful time. The biggest issue for me when traveling with children is the crowds. Prague, in the summer, can be insanely crowded which is just stressful. We went in October and could actually walk across the Charles Bridge with out any crowds at all, so really, pick a quieter time of year and that will make all the difference in the world. We booked an apartment just across the street from the St Nicholas' Church (stop at that church - it's gorgeous inside and out) which was perfect. It slept the 6 of us with space to spare and was close to all the attractions. The restaurants along Malostranske Namesti and Mostecká heading towards the Charles Bridge are delicious. I think we must have eaten in three or four of them and each was just fabulous. We went to the Prague Castle on two different days, but you can easily do it in one. The tour is worth the time if you have it and takes at least a couple hours to see it all. Do go into the cathedral there. It's amazing. As you walk through the castle complex towards the exit, there's a wonderful little Prague Toy Museum that had a Barbie exhibit that my girls loved. It's free for kids. There's a lot of space outdoors in the castle complex for little ones to run around if they get antsy and a place to stop and eat if you need to split up and take a break. We found the city very walkable and would just explore. We liked the The Lennon Wall and feeding the geese near Kampa Island and exploring little puppet shops. You kids will LOVE the puppet shops! Truly, Prague is very kid friendly. There's a hot air balloon over near the Franz Kafka Museum that you can go up inside, but we didn't do that. If you're interested in history and culture, the The Jewish Quarter in Prague is the most informative and complete that I've ever seen (in Europe). The Jews were able to preserve most of their synagogues and artifacts through the war, so you can get a really phenomenal overview of the culture and life of Czeck Jews in addition to the history. Several synagogues turned museums and a cemetery are run by the Jewish Museum in Prague (. :"  See More

"Staroměstské náměstí | Old Town Square with the beautiful clock face."  See More

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