Nitranská 13
A true mosaic...
Hastalska 18
One of the city's best...
Pobřežní 1
Hilton Prague Hotel
Traditional Food, Contemporary Style...
Rubešova 10
Mad cow, anyone?...
Dlouha 39
High quality brew...
Pštrossova 220/29
Accessibly hip...
Jilska 4
Old Town
Massive beerhall in the center...
Malá Štupartská 5
Hotel Metamorphosis
Romantic jazz restaurant...
Dukelských Hrdinů 46
Piano bar fun...
V jirchářích 6
Galaxy of good food...
Valdštejnská 4
Mala Strana
Splendid castle view, continental spread...
Na Kampe 8b
A phenomenal view of the river...
Na bojišti 12
Famous Traditional Restaurant...
Soukenicka 27
Healthy and tasty...
Belehradská 120
Vegetarian and funky...
Vodièkova 20
Hearty Czech fare served in a brewery...
Siroka 8
Going kosher in style...
Stepanska 61
Coffee next to a hanging horse?!?...