Music fans of all genres will find a wealth of options to choose from in Prague. Bars in Prague 1, 2, 5 and 7 are great places to catch some live acts; plus there's always a big name touring Europe, and stopping in Prague at 02 or Tesla Arenas.
For live music, check out the very local Lucerna Music Bar for a likely eclectic evening; you'll mainly get local acts here always with a great atmosphere. The Lucerna's Great Hall shows larger and often international acts. Hush Café is popular on the international locals' scene, which is reflected in the music they play. Bigger names tour through Retro Music Hall and Rock Café, while Palac Akropolis is still one of the premiere night venues in Prague. Club SaSaZu is a mix between live music and DJs, but they often bring known international acts to town. Malostranska beseda is an entertainment complex of sorts, with a club. Check their schedule to see who is playing.
For a taste of old Prague, head out to Strahov and Klub 007. This was place music lovers came under Communism when the music they loved was band. Now, completely legal but still playing a great mix of punk, heavy metal, ska, New Wave and more. There are a number of jazz clubs in town, and most are quite good. Reduta hosts live jazz nightly, while tiny teeny U Maleho Glena practically puts up in the musicians' laps.
Vodickova 36
Live Music & Dancing...
Bubenské nábřeží 306/13
Classic Club...
Narodni trida 20
Rock revival...
Chaloupeckého 7
(ČVUT dorms at Strahov, Prague 6)
Underground dance playground...
Karmelitská 23
For a late-night rendez-vous...
Malostranske namesti 21
Purveys the best of Czech rock...
Francouzská 4
Your kind of retro...
Narodni 20
Live jazz club...
Lublanska 39
Cool international pub in Prague 2...
Štěpánská 61
Lucerna Palace
So Social!...