approx 1 block
Wilsonova 8
Prague 3
Biomechanical Bar...
approx 3 blocks
Wilsonova 4
approx 3 blocks
Růžová 13
Celluloid Antidote to Winter Blues...
approx 3 blocks
U Bulhara 3
Lively Musical Celebration...
approx 4 blocks
Legerova 75
Garden in the Opera...
approx 4 blocks
Legerova 75
Varied operatic performances...
approx 4 blocks
Hybernská 38
Venue of choice for all breeds of night owl...
approx 4 blocks
Náměstí Winstona Churchilla 4
Vysoké Skoly Ekonomické
Economics Auditorium...
approx 4 blocks
Dlažděná 4
Great decor and ambience...
approx 4 blocks
Opletalova 5/7
Theatrics & More...
approx 4 blocks
Opletalova 5/7
Theater Extraordinaire...
approx 5 blocks
Balbínova 23
Underground, after-hours decadence...
approx 5 blocks
Senovážné náměstí 30
Performances in an elegant setting...
approx 5 blocks
Václavské náměstí 43
Outstanding Performances...
approx 5 blocks
Senovážné Náměstí 30
Czech National Bank's Plodinová Burza Building
Meetings & More...
approx 5 blocks
Triziste 4
Burgers, beer, and a freinly welcome...
approx 5 blocks
Trziste 10
Hip, low-key joint...
approx 5 blocks
Pařížská 24
Barock & Roll...
approx 5 blocks
Žitná 4
Modern & Specialising in Steaks...
approx 5 blocks
Kaštan, Bělohorská 201/150
For that bigbeat sound...