If you're traveling and have a knack for food, you've come to the right place. Famous for their cooking throughout the world, the Italians know how to make your belly rumble, and Parma is right in the heart of that wanton desire. Cured meats took off in popularity here, and now the whole globe knows of prosciutto as a great small snack before a main course or a big dinner for the whole family. This is of course not to even mention Italian wines, as that would take an essay to properly deconstruct, but Parma has everything from ritzy all-night affairs to a simple sit-down pasta dinner, so you won't leave feeling hungry.
Via per Rubiera
Food, Music and Drink...
Via Roma 76
King of Ham...
Via Eugenio Ugolotti 1
Keep The Drinks Flowing...
Via 20 Settembre 8
Hot Jazz, Cool Drinks...
Via Emilio Lepido 47
Shake A Leg...
Via Mazzini Giuseppe 1
Staright From The 'Kitchen'...
Strada Farini 22A
For A Great Night Out...
59 Località Fragno
The Kingdom of Truffles...
14 Via Calestano
The Triumph of the Sea...
12 Via Farini
A Surprise Behind the Shop...
14 Via XX Marzo
Delicious Dishes...
Viale Fratti Antonio 4A
Parmesan Delights...
2 Via Sbrini
Traditions on the Po...
11 Via Gramsci
Pizza & Fish...
Piazzale San Lorenzo 1
Go For It!...
4 Via Monte Corno
Healthy Cuisine...
74/a Strada Farnese
Traditional Food From Parma...
Via Emilio Lepido, 237/a
It Doesn't Get Any Better...
Barilla Center
Largo Fausto Brocchi 36
A Real Neapolitan Atmosphere...