Mer Bleue Bog


Anderson Road
Ottawa, Canada



NileGuide Expert tip:

Confusingly, the best way to get there isn't via Mer Bleue Road. Instead, use Anderson Road--there are multiple access points with parking lots.


So what's so great about a bog? Mer Bleue is special because it has a unique microclimate that has much more in common with Canada's Far North than with the temperate woodlands of the surrounding Ottawa Valley. As a result the spongy peat bog is home to some plants and animals rarely spotted in the area, including bog rosemary, Labrador tea, several types of orchids, spotted turtles and rare Fletcher's dragonflies. In 1995, it was designated a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. A 1.2-kilometre (3/4-mile) boardwalk provides flat, eco-friendly access to the area. Bring your camera. Mer Bleue Bog inspired a poem that was displayed on city buses! In French, Mer Bleue means blue moon!


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