Bars And Clubs Near Downtown in Ottawa

Royal Canadian Legion Montgomery Branch No. 351 (The)

approx 2 blocks
330 Kent Street

For the Veterans...
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James Street Feed Company

user rating

approx 3 blocks
390 Bank Street

Sports, Pub Food & Patio Life...
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Papagus Greek Taverna

user rating

approx 4 blocks
281 Kent Street

Taverna Dining Downtown...
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Royal Oak Restaurant

approx 4 blocks
318 Bank Street

Ottawa's British Pub...
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Barrymore's Music Hall

user rating

approx 4 blocks
323 Bank Street

Ottawa's Largest Live Music Venue...
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Babylon Nightclub

approx 4 blocks
317 Bank Street

Groovy Live Music!...
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approx 4 blocks
343 Somerset Street West

Excellent Lebanese...
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Full House Restaurant

user rating

approx 5 blocks
337 Somerset Street West

Friendly Piano Bar & Restaurant...
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Friday's Roast Beef House and Piano Parlour

user rating

approx 5 blocks
343 Somerset Street West
2 Doors East of Bank Street, Between Bank and O'Connor

Beef Lover's Paradise...
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Shanghai Restaurant

user rating

approx 6 blocks
651 Somerset Street West

Asian, Oriental Fusion...
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Raw Sugar Café

approx 6 blocks
692 Somerset Street West

Cozy & Unpretentious...
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Clock Tower Brew Pub

user rating

approx 7 blocks
575 Bank Street

Great Brewpub...
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Cafe Paradiso

approx 7 blocks
199 Bank Street

Cool Jazzy Bistro...
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Minto Suite Hotel

approx 7 blocks
185 Lyon Street North
Minto Suite Hotel

Elegant Downtown Suites...
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Tosca Ristorante

approx 8 blocks
144 O'Connor Street

Fine Italian Eatery...
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Pure Gelato

user rating

approx 9 blocks
350 Elgin Street

Cheerful Gelato & Juice Bar...
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Standard Tavern

approx 9 blocks
360 Elgin Street

Luxury Tavern...
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Elgin Street Diner

approx 9 blocks
374 Elgin Street

Authentic Diner...
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Yuk Yuk's

approx 9 blocks
292 Elgin Street
Near Minto Park

Stand-up Comedy Club...
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Fire Station (The)

approx 9 blocks
360A Elgin Street

The Heat Is On...
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