Oslo has heaps of restaurants serving healthy Mediterranean fare. High-end Oslo restaurants often serve French and Italian-inspired dishes, using locally grown produce.
Rådhusgaten 11
Excellent food in historic surroundings...
Grefsenveien 6
Small restaurant with high quality food at reasonable prices...
Kongsveien 15
Superb dining in a fabulous building with excellent views...
Rosenkrantz' gate 3
Elegant and friendly cafe in the city centre...
Stortingsgaten 24
Hotel Continental
One of Oslo's best restaurants...
Tordenskioldsgate 6A
Entrance on Kjeld Stubs Gate
Among Oslo's absolute top restaurants...
Løvenskioldsgate 26
Delicious, creative cuisine in a see-and-be-seen location...
4 Kongens Gate
Light and trendy...
Rådhusgaten 19
Very popular in the summer...
Parkveien 12
Artists' hangout. And a huge selection of beers...
51 Kirkeveien
Recently voted Oslo's best restaurant...
Henie Onstad Art Centre
Henie-Onstad cultural centre
Good food, wine and art at Henie-Onstad Art Centre...
1 Stenersgata
Fast, classic Italian...
9 Ringnesveien
Delicious Spanish food...
5 Haakon VII's gate
Southern French atmosphere...
3 Munkedamsveien
Café with a variety of light meals...
8 Torggata
Authentic Greek atmosphere...
21 Hegdehaugsveien
Join the in crowd by Aker Brygge...
Biskop Gunnerius gate
Central, next to Oslo Cathedral...
Welhavens gate 2
Good Greek food in Oslo...