3074 Ch Du Parc CP 10 Csp Magog, Magog, QC J1X 3W7, Canada
1140 Chemin Massawippi, North Hatley, QC J0B 2C0, Canada
1519 Chemin De la Rivière, Magog, QC, Canada
225 Rue Frontenac, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 1K1, Canada
The Best of NileGuide
There’s never a reason to be bored in Newport. There are just too many things to do. Start with the must-see attractions, move to the big sights and fine museums, check out some tours, dig in to some outdoor activities, and work your way down to the between-the-cracks, off-the-beaten-path gems. Just leave some time to catch your breath.