132 Odell Clark Place
W. 138th St., btwn Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. and Lenox Ave
Winning Hearts and Souls...
175 Ninth Avenue
(between 20th and 21st Sts)
Training for the priesthood...
239 W 49th St
Famous confessions...
15 East 97th Street
Historic Eastern-influenced cathedral...
209 Broadway
(at Fulton Street)
Manhattan's oldest church...
460 Madison Avenue
Between 50th and 51st streets
Epicenter of New York catholicism...
1047 Amersterdam Avenue
(at 112th Street)
World's largest cathedral...
193 10th Avenue
(at 21st Street)
Architectural gem...
45-57 Bowne Street
(at Holly Avenue)
Hindu temple in Flushing...
10 Lenox Avenue
10 Reverend John P Ladson Place
Home of the Lord...
897 S. Columbus Avenue
This 18th century church is associated with the trial of John Peter Zenger and the fight for freedom of the press. The church was completed in 1787. The Bill of Right museum occupies the former parish hall...
120 West 69th Street
(between Broadway and Columbus avenues)
Music and worship...
225 West 99th Street
(at Amsterdam Avenue)
Episcopal worship and Tiffany glass...
139 West 46th St
(between Sixth and Seventh avenues)
Gothic gem...
131 East Tenth Street
At Third Avenue
Cultural center for the arts...
Third Avenue
(between 96th and 97th streets)
Center of New York Islamic worship...
210 West 31st Street
Historic church In Midtown...
1 E. 65th St
At Fifth Ave
World's largest synagogue...
1 West, 5th Avenue, 53rd Street
Episcopal boys' choir...
802 Broadway, 10th Street
at 10th Street
Landmark gothic revival...