You can't leave New York without having the quintessential post-Saturday night bender, Sunday afternoon brunch. Big plate of eggs paired with a tall Bloody Mary and glass of Mimosa with a side of coffee is a must when dining out on a weekend in the City. For the best in taste, experience, and budget, head to these fine establishments and relive your weekend moments with friends.
80 Spring Street
(between Broadway and Crosby Streets)
Red Banquette Brasserie...
782 Washington Avenue
Suzanne Vega was right...
638 Bergen Street
Corner of Vanderbilt Avenue
Leave your Diet at Home...
120 Hudson Street
Tribeca Kitchen...
732 Classon Avenue
Bringing Mexican to ProHeights...
End of Freeman Alley
Off Rivington Between the Browery and Chrystie
Delicious flavors...
311 Church Street
Ground Floor
Eclectic Late-Night Dining...
4 Clinton Street
Between East Houston & Stanton
Not Just a Bakery...