199 Bowery
Learn more about this business...
347 West 36th Street
(Between 8th & 9th)
Funny for the whole family...
179 Varick St
Hip 90's Nightclub...
1454 Second Avenue
(at 76th Street)
No worries...
795 8th Ave
Social has 3 floors and is ready to host your next party!...
130 West 3rd Street
Dance, lounge and live music at the former cafe Wha owner's upscale venue...
100 Central Park South
(at Sixth Avenue)
Very cosmopolitan...
235 Eldridge Street
Dark And Dingy...
47 W. 20th St
At Sixth Ave
527 West 27th Street
Larger than life...
130 West 3rd Street
Sometimes bad luck is good luck...
225 East Houston Street
At Essex Street & Avenue of Americas
The New Standard In Nightlife Luxury...
310 Bowery
Get Caught Red Handed at the Bowery's Hottest Bar!! Party space !!!...
200 Varick Street
At West Houston Street
Hip-hop to Afro-pop...
62 Avenue C
Between 4th & 5th Street
Lively music & people...
317 East Houston Street
Between Avenues B & C
Music and Parties...
90 West Houston Street, Greenwich Village
(corner of La Guardia Place)
Continental cool...
40 West 40th Street
The Bryant Park Hotel
All things naughty...
624-660 W 42nd St
Bowling, billiards, DJ's and small plates...
219 Ave A
The Best Karaoke Bar/Lounge in New York!...