631 Coyote St
Loch Leven Lakes is a series of shallow granite lakes located approximately 3 miles southeast of Cisco Grove. A mixture of brook and rainbow trout fingerling per lake are planted. These lakes are popular with the public...
631 Coyote St
Culbertson Lake is located approximately 6.5 miles north of Bear Valley Picnic Ground. Fingerling rainbows are planted yearly in this large, deep lake. The rainbow population is increasing...
631 Coyote St
Crooked Lakes is located approximately 6 miles north of Bear Valley Picnic Ground. This lake is overpopulate with stunted bullhead catfish. No trout are known to inhabit these lakes...
631 Coyote St
Huysink Lake is a shallow granite lake located approximately 3 miles southeast of Cisco Grove. A mixture of 500-3000 brook and rainbow trout fingerlings are planted every year. This lake is very popular with the public...
631 Coyote St
Sawmill Lake is located approximately 9 miles north of Bear Valley Picnic Ground. Although Sawmill Lake is entirely on private land, however, fishing is allowed. Fingerling rainbows are planted every two years...
631 Coyote St
Fuller Lake is located approximately 3 miles north of Bear Valley. Twelve to fifteen thousand pounds of catchable rainbow trout are planted each year with occasional plants of brown trout...
631 Coyote St
Salmon Lake is a shallow granite e lake located approximately 3 miles southeast of Cisco Grove. A mixture of 500-3000 brook and rainbow trout fingerlings are planted each year. This lake is very popular with the public...
631 Coyote St
Carr Lake is located approximately 7 miles north of Bear Valley Picnic Ground. Brook and rainbow fingerling will be planted every two years...
631 Coyote St
Rucker Lake is located approximately 3.5 miles north of Bear Valley Picnic Ground. Rucker Lake contains a special strain of rainbow trout called redband trout. Redband trout do well in the warmer water of shallow Rucker Lake...
631 Coyote St
Lake Feeley is located approximately 6.5 miles north of Bear Valley Picnic Ground. Rainbow and brown fingerling trout are planted every year. A small number of natural brook trout inhabit the lake as well as larger bullheads...
631 Coyote St
Penner Lake is located approximately 7 miles north of Bear Valley Picnic Ground. Fingerling rainbows (1,500) are planted every two years...
631 Coyote St
Lindsey Lake is located approximately 8 miles north of the Bear Valley Picnic Ground. Bullhead catfish have overpopulated this lake. Rainbow and brown trout fingerlings are planted annually to provide a limited trout fishery...
631 Coyote St
Faucherie Lake is located approximately 14 miles north of Bear Valley Picnic Ground. A mixture of rainbow and brown fingerlings are planted every year. This is a very scenic lake...
631 Coyote St
Lake Putt is located approximately 0.75 miles southwest of Emigrant Gap. This is a Nevada Irrigation District lake and access is permitted. It supports a small mouth bass fishery and a brook trout fishery...