Lake Waikareiti, Bay Of Plenty 4195, New Zealand
Te Urewera National Park, New Zealand
Lake Waikaremoana 4195, New Zealand
Havelock North, New Zealand
Balls Clearing Scenic Reserve, Hawkes Bay 4184, New Zealand
Aropaoanui Rd, Hawkes Bay 4181, New Zealand
Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand
Bluff Hill 4110, New Zealand
Cape Kidnappers, New Zealand
Tangoio Settlement Rd, Tangoio 4181, New Zealand
The Best of NileGuide
There’s never a reason to be bored in Napier. There are just too many things to do. Start with the must-see attractions, move to the big sights and fine museums, check out some tours, dig in to some outdoor activities, and work your way down to the between-the-cracks, off-the-beaten-path gems. Just leave some time to catch your breath.