Temple Bar


Grafinger Straße 6
81671 Munich, Germany
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NileGuide Expert tip:

If you go to the Kult Fabrik area before midnight, you'll probably be fairly lonely.


The Temple Bar, located right smack in the middle of the infamous Kult Fabrik, is a bar surrounded by dance clubs.  Its offering of the typical Irish beers at normal prices is a welcome treat when surrounded by clubs pawning off cheap long drinks at prices usually reserved for cars and houses.  The clientele are mostly twenty somethings trying to binge drink between clubs that they don't fit into making this a half way point between a proper Irish bar and a night club.

To get here, go to the Ostbahnhof (the East train station) and follow the herd (and signs) to the Kult Fabrik.  You can see the lights of the Kult Fabrik from the train station.
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